Saturday 8 September 2012

Tameron and Lorn |Matricball

Tameron looked absolutely ravishing in her purple and blue dress for her matricball.  I just loved how it looked on her and how she wore it...Having Lorn as her partner was even more clever since he complimented her so well.  The mini`s were also just as adorable.
Having prayed for beautiful weather since the day before, we had a blast when our prayers were answered.  Rain for almost most of the week and then finally a little sunshine....

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!!!!

More soon!!!

Arno and Jillian | Matricball


What a handsome guy.... 
Arno is just such a sweet guy and was really shy.  Even though we live in the same town, this was the first time we met...

We had to shoot in less that 30 minutes, which put both of us under a little pressure... I hope u like it!

More posts soon!!!!! ^_^

Monday 7 May 2012

Monday Blues...

Who loves Mondays anyway....??

So as we all know, Monday is the start to a promising week (haha).  It makes you draaaaag your body out of bed in the morning, and throwing it back in the sack at the end of it.... An absolutely irritating, tiring day...
Weekends seem to go by so damn fast, and it gets worse when u greeted by good ol` annoying Monday....

If you have a job like mine (admin, admin, admin, and oh my gosh more admin) you tend to live for Fridays and therefore weekends.  You never smile during this day, cause everything is just dragging....

Maxine...just love her....
By Tuesday you are starting to get in the swing of things, still feeling a little under the weather, but able to GET THROUGH IT....

By Wednesday, it gets better, a smile begins to develop on your face.....just the thought that it's the middle of the week and soon, very soon, Friday will be here....

Thursdays just seem to fly by.... u don`t really notice it....

And then.....  :D

It`s Friday..... 
Work is great...!!! Laughter all around....Forgetting about the bad of the past week......

Weekend arrives, good times with friends and loved ones, party after party, then Sunday creeps in, reminding you that tomorrow, your biggest enemy is coming back to visit...MONDAY...(We can start again....but we`re not, cause its Monday....)

Hahaha...Hope you had a fab Monday... 

More soon...


Wednesday 2 May 2012

I`ve been writing posts about photography, how difficult it is to keep the hobby and my passion alive, a bit of negativity along the way, but thought, Since I haven`t done it yet I should tell you abit about myself... Soo... here goes...

Well as u might have guessed...My name is Helen (born Helena) Douwrie, married Smit... I could tell u my age, but u know what they say, women never tell... So I`ll let you guess...haha

I had a pretty easy childhood, loving parents who always made sure me and my sister, who is 9years older then I am, got everything we needed, including Lots of love... My dad has been and still is my role model, the reason for this being that he taught us how to love and respect others....  He loves my mom so much that sis and I, always use to say that when we tie the knot, our men had to be exactly like good `ol dad...
My mom on the other hand, nurtured us to the best of her ability... teaching us how to be the best mom to our children one day.... She was and still is very open...I can talk to her about anything, so I guess she`s my role model tooooooo.... (^^,)

With their guidance and stability in our home, it made both me and sis ready for the world out there...
Mom and Dad...See how inlove they are?

So that`s why, almost ending High School, I still couldn`t figure out what I wanted to do with my life.. There was so many things I wanted to do, (and taught that I could do)... study tourism, drama, the options were endless... So by the end of the year not having made up my mind yet, i decided to do business assistant (which is the same as a secretary)... Two years of fun and enjoying student life...

Anyway, after studying I worked in a supermarket doing admin, and that`s where I met my knight in shining armour Brandon... we fell inlove and the rest is history....

...In 2007 I went abroad ... The do au-pair...Lived with a fantastic family for a year and its there where the photography bug bit again...My host dad, (being a doctor full time and photographer part-time) showed and taught me a lot about photography and I fell inlove with it all over again....

The happiest day in my life!!! 
But only in 2011, due to other responsibilities (like marrying my knight in 2009), I finally had the courage to chase my dreams of becoming a photographer...  The best decision I ever made... :D...

And that`s it in short....Hope u had fun reading!!!!! 

Me and Sis

More posts soon........


Monday 16 April 2012

Photography Styles....o_O

Now this is a decision that I think most photographers struggle with.  You know what u want to do, but sometimes the clientele is just not available...And that my dear readers is a headache from hell to deal with!!!!

So i started photographing (professionally O_o - Remember the last post about being professional) about a year ago...and had this little voice in my head about becoming a CHILD photographer... The reason for this being that i Just <3 love <3 children, their innocence and just plain cuteness  (^^,).... I had the privilege of photographing my first baby last year, and MAN did i have fun???!!!!!!

Did a few weddings, and although I enjoyed seeing the brides look awesome and seeing how special their day was, I just did not have half the fun I had as with previous child shoots..... Don`t get me wrong its not like I don`t love doing weddings, I just prefer to photograph children.

I mean really, can u resist that sweet little angel faces when they smile -_- at you??? Well neither can I..... =D

SO today I had an epiphany  that instead of doing weddings all the time and being ask for it often, (and not getting any lately (OO,)... I`m rather gonna start doing what I want to do, and what I know I`m good at, and that is photographing CHILDREN... maybe this is also the reason why I work as secretary at the local primary school during the week...Cause kids are just so darn CUTTTTTEEEEEE.....

So instead of telling your friends about me for their special day (although I won't decline a weddingshoot), rather remind them to fall pregnant early in their marriage..hahahaha... preggie shoots is just as much fun!!!!

Here`s some of the kiddies i got to shoot....


My niece Neeshè

Look at that smile... <3

Love it when they lost some teeth...My nephew Revaldo

My Nephew Carlos

Hahaha look at that face...

Perfect timing...


Now u tell me, wouldn`t you want that little angel captured???!!! HHmmmmm???

More soon...ciao

Sunday 15 April 2012

Verenique and Stuart Du Plessis

My First official wedding... Oh the nerves...

Nicky (as we know her) and I met each other a few years ago when we went to college together... She was an absolute bliss to know... her personality attracted a lot of people including me...We weren`t close friends, but it was and is still nice to know her...

SInce I started advertising my business on facebook Nicky contacted me and ask if I would be able to capture her beautiful day... I was shocked and at the same time felt so blessed that someone asked me to do their wedding...At first I didn`t plan to do weddings, but thought about the exposure for my business.... Sooooo I think u can guess I said yes...

But hell was I nervous....I`ve never done this before, but everyone told me that I should just do it...I remember thinking that I will do everything in my ability to take the best shots and give them the best possible photos that I can manage....

So the day arrived and I we were on our way to Struisbaai, where the wedding would take place...
I remember telling myself and praying to God that he will make me calm so that I can get every possible shot there is to capture on ones special day...
Beautiful Struisbaai

We arrived 2hours to early, (lol ^^,) and had to wait for the bride who was still at the hairdresser....That gave me time to calm myself and check out the church...
And to my surprise when it all started I was so calm and gave the best... A lot of eyes on me, but hey I managed.

The day was absolutely beautiful the bride looked stunning and the ceremony was something I wasn`t used to and will always remember....

So after a long day on my feet, the tiredness couldn`t spoil my mood, as I was so happy that I made a total success of the day...

Thanks to hubby...Brandon Smit and my sis inlaw, Cristel Smit for their support!!!

Once again...congrats to the lovely couple!